I don't know about you, but I spent most of my life never questioning my belief system. I am still discovering limiting beliefs I have carried since childhood. Unfortunately, these beliefs ran deep and kept me from being the best I could be. 

Today, I work hard to question my beliefs daily, and it’s helped me become CLOSER TO my authentic self.

 As a mum, I wasn't quite prepared for how hard it would be not to pass on or create limiting beliefs in my children, and being mindful of my own has helped me do the same for them. 

As parents, we are the most influential people in our children's lives, and we significantly impact our children’s internal belief system and whether it is unstoppable.  luckily, we can do plenty to make our child's belief system unstoppable and here are some tips to help. 

From the moment children are born, their brains are like little sponges, soaking up all the information around them. The environment we create for them shapes and influences their brain development as they embody the same beliefs, habits, coping mechanisms, communication styles and emotional regulation as we do.

A child who grows up in a family that values honesty and integrity will develop these traits and see them as important in their lives. Similarly, a child exposed to violence or aggression may develop a belief system that considers these behaviours acceptable or normal.

Children will grow up unaware of this happening because it's subconscious. Their brain will grow neural pathways as they learn new things and experience new sensations; this is neuroplasticity.

When a child learns a new skill, such as bike riding, the brain forms new neural pathways that help them coordinate their movements. As they continue to practice, these neural pathways strengthen, and riding a bike becomes second nature.


How we communicate with our children is vital. 

When we verbally or non-verbally communicate negative things to children, such as telling them they are naughty, lazy, shy, forgetful, clumsy, spiteful, or stupid, their brains establish neural pathways, and negative beliefs are created that become their inner voice.  Like a tape recorder repeatedly playing in their mind, their inner voice unconsciously knocks their confidence, and they won't know why.

This can happen anytime, such as when they walk into a new classroom or situation, and they get a little subconscious reminder not to forget that they are shy and don't like meeting new people, which holds them back from being the actual friendly, sociable person they are, and they won't know why.

Most parents would not purposefully do this - for the most parT they are parenting on autopilot from their own beliefs as a child. 

Luckily, the mind is not fixed or unchangeable, and with conscious thinking, time and experience, children can learn new perspectives and behaviours that can reshape their beliefs. However, it can be difficult to change deeply ingrained beliefs and attitudes that have been conditioned over a long time, especially if we are unaware of them.

This is why it is vital to be mindful of how we shape our child's mind, so they don't have to unlearn negative beliefs that hold them back and instead have an inner voice that helps unleash their greatness.

A healthy, positive belief system really can encourage children to be unstoppable. It will build their self-esteem and confidence, so they learn to trust themselves and their abilities. 

A robust positive belief system builds resilience so children can handle life's ups and downs, create positive relationships and be happy.





Be a positive role model

Modelling the positive behaviours you want your child to have, such as confidence and respect, means children are more likely to do for themselves. 

On the other hand, when we model negative behaviours such as self-sabotage and people-pleasing emotional outbursts or anger, we unconsciously tell our children this is ok. 

We can show children by example and introduce inspirational people into their lives.  Dr Wayne W. Dyer has been a positive role model to millions and believes that if children can hold on to no-limit thinking, they can learn to truly enjoy life and become unstoppable as they strive to attain their dreams.


Encourage critical thinking

Encourage your child to think critically about the world around them, question assumptions, and consider alternative perspectives. By doing so, you can help them develop a more authentic and informed belief system.

Teaching them that it is okay to have a different opinion or perspective than others gives them the confidence to trust their judgement and feelings.


Provide a safe and supportive environment

Children who feel safe and supported are more likely to develop a positive belief system. Create a home environment where your child feels comfortable expressing their thoughts and feelings, and their opinions are valued and respected.


Use positive reinforcement

We get more of the behaviours we focus on, reinforcing positive behaviours and inner qualities by praising and recognising them, which means we will see more of them.

For example, we can say positive things to them, such as: 

"You are so patient and persistent."

"I love your sense of humour."

"You are so kind to your sister; that's really nice."

"Thank you for helping me. I like it when we do things together."


Encourage exploration and discovery

Children encouraged to explore and discover new things are more likely to develop a sense of curiosity about the world and be self-confident. Encourage your child to try new things, ask questions, and be open to new experiences.

Encourage children to learn about and appreciate different cultures, viewpoints, and perspectives. This can help them develop empathy and broaden their understanding of the world.


Show them you love theM

Make your child feel loved and special. Children often feel rejected, criticised and not good enough, which profoundly negatively impacts their belief system.

We must recognise how relationships with us impact our children's belief systems and whole lives.

Parents who make their children feel they are the most wonderful, special person in the world and love them unconditionally will help them have a great self-image that gives them the confidence they need to develop an unstoppable belief system.

At the end of the day, we are not looking for perfection; I am certainly not professing to be that myself.

We can be mindful of things we might do that negatively impact our child's life and do more things that help them feel good and create a strong core belief in themselves that will help them deal with life's ups and downs.

Most of all, loving them the best we can helps children to build an unstoppable belief system that will unleash their greatness and set them up for life.

All the best, 



