Essential for their self-worth
Do you know what our children need from us that is vital for their self-worth? It is not about fancy holidays, the latest gadgets, designer clothes, or material possessions. Every child needs a heartfelt, loving connection with their parents.
We create this by communicating with them through genuinely affectionate words, messages, and actions that show them what they mean to us.
It’s about being there and showing them how much we adore and cherish their existence. Our children cultivate their self-worth and personal growth in those precious moments.
Parents often say, "Of course, I love my child." but have we shown it? Have we genuinely demonstrated our affection and told them how much we love them?
Think about it - do our eyes light up when they enter the room? Do we genuinely relish the simple act of being in their company without expectations?
And the beauty of it all is that it's free.
The true measure of parenting success is the quality of our relationship with our children.
The path to creating a lasting impact in their life lies in our hands by creating the sort of connection that is unbreakable by anyone else, and the rewards are immeasurable.
So, seize the day and take this opportunity to have a heartfelt, loving connection with your child today.
Best wishes,
Ruth Edensor